Nadi Shodhana Yoga

Balances the nervous system. Reduces stress


Nadi Shodhana, or Alternate Nostril Breathing, is a calming pranayama technique that balances the flow of energy in the body. It involves breathing through one nostril at a time while closing the other, alternating between them. This practice helps reduce stress, improve focus, and promote overall well-being.

How to Practice Nadi Shodhana

  1. Starting Position: Sit comfortably with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed. Place your left hand on your left knee in Chin Mudra (thumb and index finger touching).

  2. Hand Position: Use your right hand to control the nostrils. Place the index and middle fingers between your eyebrows, the ring and little fingers on the left nostril, and the thumb on the right nostril.

  3. Inhale through the Left Nostril: Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril.

  4. Exhale through the Right Nostril: Close your left nostril with your ring and little fingers, then open your right nostril and exhale through it.

  5. Inhale through the Right Nostril: Inhale through your right nostril, close it with your thumb, and exhale through your left nostril.

  6. Repeat: Continue this pattern, alternating nostrils, for several rounds. Keep your breath smooth and even.
